viernes, 20 de julio de 2018



in the course of this blog we will learn about the conditional s in a fun,educational and easy way.
The objective is that at the end of the blog we understand the conditionals

what are the conditionals?

Conditionals are used to speculate about what might happen,what may have happened, and what we would like to happen. In English, most sentences that use conditional tense contain the term "if". Many of the conditional constructions of English are used in sentences that include verbs in the past. This use is called "the unreal past" because we use a past verb tense but we are not referring to something that has actually happened. There are five main ways to construct conditional sentences in English. In all cases, they consist of a proposition or clause with "if" and a main proposition. In many negative conditional sentences there is an equivalent alternative construction that uses "unless" instead of "if".

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